Hello again!
In today’s world of viruses and contagious illnesses this choice has become an important one. Large facilities and the constant flow of people (workers, new residents, suppliers, contractors) in and out of the facilities have proven to be an Achilles heel for the large format facilities serving our elderly loved ones today. Small format elderly homes can help reduce some of those dangers because with fewer people coming into and out of the facility limits the chances of contagions entering in. Large facilities have multiple entrances and most of them require outside vendors and workers to access the facility daily. A smaller facility with one or two entrances allows for greater control and oversight of everyone and everything coming and going. Limiting exposure during times like these is an important aspect to consider.
Living Waters was built with the amenities and advantages of a larger facility, but ours is a 12-resident home with COMPLETELY private bedrooms. This type of living arrangement, along with our guidelines and procedures will help reduce contact with and slow/contain viruses and illness. Our smaller staff will be trained to properly sanitize all dishes, living areas and high touch surfaces daily. Some of the benefits to being a small home compared to a larger facility is that there is minimal traffic in and out of our home being family owned/run and small. Our home will not have the constant traffic in and out that a larger facility does on a regular basis. This also helps limit exposure and slow/contain sicknesses before residents are exposed. Everyone that enters the building will be screened and keeping track of a smaller number of staff is easier and more efficient.
If you have concerns or questions for us regarding placement of a loved one, please contact us today!
